Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Miscellaneous scenes from around the campgrounds at Burning Man

The first day, before the dust storms.
Matching cushy seats

Barbie Death Camp

Dust storms lasted for hours at a time.

Zip line time

Big collection of rubber stamps to choose from. I just got a peace sign on my shoulder.

Golden Calf Bar. Remember, no money is exchanged, but they did ask for donations of booze.

Tan all over

Susan and me at the Duck Pond during one of the worst dust storms.

Of course, I had my side kick with me.

More revelers at the Duck Pond, hardly noticing the dust.

On top of the Panorama, overlooking the campgrounds at Burning Man 2015.

View of Black Rock City from the Panorama

Celebrating his 30th birthday, Burning Man style

A creative use of sea shells

No beer for me

The Burning Man Choir

This is how we roll in Black Rock City

Truck and RV rental companies must make a killing during Burning Man. But they also have to deal with the dust when the vehicles are returned.

Who said size doesn't matter?

Giant Swingline Stapler

1400 potties for 70,000 burners

Got balls?

I think he missed a spot.

Midday at the Oasis

Catching the sunset from a bus-top balcony

Purple haze

Getting ready to inflate

Russian Rouletta Camp. I heard they gave a lot of vodka lessons.

Ta Da! These two went all around camp saying "Ta Da."

My friends Pam and Donna put together this little photo op, complete with skeleton dog and tutus.

Couldn't resist a silly self portrait

The Kissy Fish car that Susan rode around in with her friends.

Burning Man radio claimed no traffic and less than an hour delay before the Temple burned, but it took us over two hours to get to the road. In order to save gas and the environment they hold up the cars for 20 minutes or so, so you can turn off your engine. Then they pass a bunch of cars at once, then stop them for 20 minutes. 

SO the burning question is: Will I go to Burning Man again next year? Well, I haven't decided yet. Might take a year off. I'm thinking about Reggae on the River instead for 2016. But at least I'm happy that I finally experienced Burning Man after wanting to for probably 20 years. Check that off the bucket list.

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