Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adiyaman & Nemrut, Turkey

We stayed a the university hotel in Adiyaman where students who major in Tourism get practice.

A typical Turkish breakfast. We've been eating cucumbers, tomatoes, and cheese every day.

I haven't been doing Boot Camp lately, but I have been doing my squats.

Our crew, plus Rafet the driver, taking a pit stop.

The view from above on the way to Nemrut.

Two ancient Roman columns

I climbed the hilltop and got a bigger view of the columns below.

The Roman Bridge

I had my money belt on, otherwise I would have jumped in. Instead, I just waded across.

The Turks came here to wash their cars and have picnics.

Here I am on the Roman bridge

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Ancient writing, possibly Greek

Hercules (naked guy) and the king

This poor guy had engine trouble in the middle of nowhere. We would have helped him out, but he said he was waiting for a mechanic. Good luck.

A cow herder sharing the road.

My newest Facebook friends who I met on the way up to Nemrot.

Sunrise and sunset are the most popular times to be at Nemrut. Guess which time we chose?

This head broke off of a bigger statue long ago.

More heads

And still more heads at Nemrut

Sun begins to set. Beautiful light for photographs.

Human and animal heads

Love the glowing light.

Taking a group shot with our new Turkish friends

Last moments of daylight before hiking back down the 6500 mountain top

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